The concept of grid days has been reintroduced at LGC. This means that if a large grid is expected, all available tugs will assist in launching. At a declared time, the grid will be launched in a similar fashion to a competition launch, with club activities side lined for the first hour, after which, the duty instructor may request a tug to help with club launching if the grid is still being launched.

The rostered pair will obviously participate, with one or two extra volunteer pilots as required.

On weekdays, if time permits, the morning tug pilot should prepare a second tug to assist the afternoon pilot who should aim to arrive by 10am, along with the volunteer pilots.

When the time of the launch is announced then all tugs should make their way to the grid. If there is a subsequent large club grid then all available tugs should assist until all gliders have been launched.

Operational Notes

Grids can only practically be formed on the SW or W runs. The W run offering two possible take-off routes.

SW Run

It most likely that this grid will form at the base of the hill on hangar ridge, though a second or split grid may be set up on the normal SW run take-off position. Details on operations from the first location can be found here.

W Run

It is most likely that the departure route will route Northerly (over the cricket pitch) and route anti clockwise around the villages with a landing back on the NE run. On a few occasions a take-off to the left of the windsock will be required followed by a clockwise route around the villages leading to a landing SW. In both cases, If there are winch cables out, they should be removed from the field prior to the grid launch. This will allow greater flexibility and efficiency in launching the grid by allowing an approach to the grid from the club side, either by landing short on the SW run or by landing long on the NE run. Additionally if taking off to the North, with the winch cables in, a more direct take-off run will be possible and the turn after take-off will either not be needed or will be minimal. Withdrawal of the cables should be co-ordinated with the duty instructor.

The full grid protocol can be found in Appendix E of the LGC Operations Manual. Click here for access to the LGC members page, where the Operations Manual is located.

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