Tug aircraft may on occasions be available to hire. However, approval will always be required from the CTP, DCTP or CFI. The pilot will be charged according to the charges shown in the LGC price list.

Transponders should NOT be used when departing or returning to Dunstable to avoid confusion with LTCC. If the transponder is on during the flight back then it will be necessary to contact Luton Approach on 129.55 to advise them of your intentions.


Booking In/Out

It is a legal requirement that all powered aircraft movements not starting and finishing their flights at Dunstable (i.e. most flights other than normal aero-tows) should be recorded. A movement book is located outside the main office, it has two sections, the first for visitors taking details of departure point and destination and a second section for LGC tugs recording either a destination or a departure point.

All aero-tow retrieves, positioning flights or hire flights should be entered along with the pilots signature.


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